Beautiful Nubia...

Beautiful Nubia...
Lagos is beautiful...lets keep it so

Monday, March 2, 2015

Stupid Nigerians

As I go about today’s business, I do so angrily...I had to wake up earlier than usual this morning, not just so I can beat the usual everlasting traffic but so I can get to the service station early enough to go queue for Fuel, where else does this happen if not Nigeria. It is often said that a nation deserves the kind of leaders it gets, Nigeria has been unfortunate to be blessed (or cursed) with the worst kind anywhere in the World but the beauty of democracy is that the people get to choose their leaders. 2015 gives us a another opportunity to effect Change, try something different because obviously  the last 16 years has not worked for us as expected, if for any reason  in the unlikely event that the PDP and especially Mr Jonathan is returned as President, then I  would conclude that the majority of us are just plain stupid.
How can anyone in their right sense want the PDP continue to lead us astray in this country, how can a sixth largest producer of crude continue to depend on imports for its domestic needs allowing capital flight and putting the naira under pressure, thus the naira would always be tied to the value of crude and other related indices, not one refinery has been built and even the ones we have are not functional, yet billions of dollars has been allocated for their periodic ritual called turn-around maintenance, billions of dollars has been spent on improving electricity but yet the situation is actually getting worse by the day, Securing lives and property which is a primary function of the government has been left to rot so much so everywhere in Nigeria is constantly under some form of security threat, the North East being the worst hit. Millions of able and qualified young people do not have jobs and fall victim to scammers that would fleece them of money they do not have, even the government scammed them too killing about 20 of them in the process. Again I ask. How can anyone in their right sense want this administration to continue for another four years, is it that they hate Nigeria so much they would rather see it fail.
A lot of stupid folks (let’s just admit it, there are a lot of really dumb people in this country) would point to some regular function of government as achievements as if persons in power are doing some kind of favour to Nigerians, They begged to be elected not to move around in one annoying convoy but to hit the ground running and work to fix the rot in the system, or is it  Mr Okechukwu that should fix the road to his village, or Dangote should lay rail tracks from Lagos to Kano, and also provide jobs and electricity and hospitals to everybody . these are not even the kind of achievements any responsible government should be showcasing in 2015 but again this is Nigeria where mediocrity is applauded, I even take it as an insult to intelligent people when I see a government official cutting some ribbon just because a new road has been constructed or a hospital has been built, in saner climes, events like this go unnoticed because that is what is expected. What we should be discussing is how to make life more comfortable for the people and not promises upon promises of basic amenities where even less endowed nations have taken for granted years ago. Places like Dubai in about 10 years transformed from a little more than a desert outpost to a world class city, The PDP led Federal Government has spent sixteen years in power and trillions in naira with very little to show for it and sadly There are still citizens that would want them to have another four years. Yes they make silly excuses that the rot didn’t start with the present occupier and that it would certainly take a while before things can be fixed. Agreed but what has he done to change the tides, he has shown that he is same of the same as he has not done differently from his predecessors should we then continue with his obvious lack of competence because things have been bad before he got there, if this is not the height of absolute stupidity, then I don’t know what is.

For the sake of National sanity, I would ask that we try something different, a new party, a different ideology where the corrupt and the stealers of our commonwealth will know no peace headed by a President who would spend valuable time trying to convince us that stealing is not corruption but by one who has a known reputation for abhorring corruption, I have not for once thought the APC would magically transform the country in their first few years because that would make me equally stupid, but as governance is in continuum , I have no doubt that it is a good place to start and if they also fail to live beyond expectations, we can use the power we have to also vote them out, right now. The PDP has failed, we (Dumbos and Elites alike)  would all be done for  if they manage to retain leadership after May 29.

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